Precision Training Parachute

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Resistance training plays a huge part in the development and rehabilitation of muscle groups. This Parachute is a state of the art tool for fitness training as it adds resistance to your run by catching the wind making you work to make strides. Chute with padded waist belt applies even resistance. The Precision training parachute is a must have for all football or rugby teams, as well as for athletes who need a lot of paces, the key element worked on with Parachute training. A safe and efficient way to build strength, speed and endurance, parachute training involves a lightweight parachute being tied to the back of a player through a harness to add resistance when sprinting. The amount of drag the parachute produces can be adjusted by sliding the resistance adjuster up or down. When running with parachute training you will develop increased take-off power and muscle strength, which will improve stride length and be running form. Precision was created to give sportsmen, women and children of all shapes and sizes accessibility to a range of high-quality professional products. In the last year, we have signed partnerships to become the official training aid suppliers to the Irish Football Association and the Football Association of Wales.


  • Suitable for distances from 10m up to 200m
  • Span approx. 36"
  • Chute with padded waist belt
  • Improves speed, strength and resistance
  • Applies even resistance